eGaN® FETs for Envelope Tracking
Gallium nitride transistors can be used to improve the efficiency of DC-DC conversion. In this white...
The Ultimate Guide to Managing Obsolescence in Aerospace and Defense
Test engineers spend as much as 50 percent of their time (or even more in some cases) actively dealing...
Technology Supporting Globalization of Fans
San Denki has fan design departments in both Japan and the Philippines and are constantly developing...
Optimizing EMI Input Filters for Switched Mode Power Supplies
Almost every switched-mode power supply (SMPS) needs an EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference) input filter...
High Air Flow Fan “San Ace 200”GV Type
In recent years, ICT devices have become faster with higher capacities, and as such, an even higher cooling...
Low Power Consumption Fan 60 mm Sq. 10 mm Thick “San Ace 60” 9GA Type
In recent years, a trend has emerged for devices in the LCD display, LED panel and other similar markets...
Understanding forced air cooling in power supplies
All power supplies generate waste heat which has to be dissipated. The heating effect becomes greater...
eGaN® FET Small Signal RF Performance
Even though the eGaN FET was designed and optimized as a power-switching device, it also exhibits good...
Enabling Next Generation High Density Power Conversion
The drive to create Metadata processing server systems plus the parallel push for increased port density...
Interfacing Microcontrollers to the Industrial World
Utilizing embedded microcontrollers for industrial applications requires special attention given the...
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